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One of my happiest discoveries in my quest to help my type 2 diabetes has been the joy (that’s right, joy) of picking up some weights and training with them a couple of times a week.  It just feels really good to me and my muscles. Plus I can do this at home or at the gym! lists the benefits of weight training on type 2 diabetes as follows:

  • You can experience an increase in lean muscle mass, which boosts your base metabolic rate and causes you to burn calories at a faster rate. “Burning these calories helps keep your blood glucose levels in check,” notes Sherin Joseph, MPH, health education manager at Montefiore Health System’s Williamsbridge Family Practice Center in the Bronx, New York.
  • The ability of your muscles to store glucose increases with your strength, making your body better able to regulate its blood sugar levels.
  • Your body’s fat-to-muscle ratio decreases, reducing the amount of insulin you need in your body to help store energy in fat cells.

If you have started an exercise program (actually gotten off the couch and started walking regularly), adding this to your diabetes management might just be the banana that the monkey ordered, if you will indulge me the zoo metaphor. 🙂

Try it! If you are like me, you might be pleasantly surprised at how much you like it. Drop me a line at to tell me how this works out for you. I read and personally answer each email.

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