Video onboard! How to squeeze in a 20 minute walk between business meetings

Hi there everyone!

I had a noon meeting in Franklin, TN yesterday that lasted an hour. I had not gotten any exercise in because, well, I hate to exercise.

And inertia battles me every single day.

But because of type 2 diabetes, I must exercise.

So I decided to take a 20 minute walk on Main Street in Franklin which is an extraordinarily picturesque walk. Plus it was 65 degrees in February.

It was fun, I enjoyed it, I didn’t even notice the walk because I was so absorbed in the sights and sounds.

Diabetic conditions can be improved through regular exercise, like this.

If we enjoy our exercise, we are more likely to do it.

If we pick an exercise that we loathe, odds are that we might not do it. (I know myself, I assure you, I won’t)

Get off the couch and out of your office today … I’ll bet you also can find a way to squeeze in a 20 minute walk somehow, some way, even today.

#diabetes #diabetics #walking #exercisehelpsdiabetics #FranklinTN

(Author’s note: Click HERE to check out my book on Amazon “42 Ways to Motivate the Sedentary Diabetic to Actually Exercise” … this would make a great gift for friends and family who need encouragement to exercise)



When I was younger, I would hang-glide in cow pastures. (You immediately see a myriad of issues with this, I suspect).

I would run with the hang-glider until I had enough momentum that the air would lift me off the ground into the sky. It was like magic to me. Momentum always propelled me to new heights. (side note: upon landing, I had to make sure I missed the cows and their by-products!)

I hate to exercise.

I must exercise in order to control my type 2 diabetes. Exercise and diet are my two main tools. And they work amazingly.

But I have found that momentum is a key to overcoming the inertia that keeps us from getting off the couch (or out of our office) and exercising.

Here’s what momentum looks like:

You walk one day for 5 minutes. Day 2 you walk for 5 minutes. Day 3 you drive to the gym to climb on the stair step machine. Day 4 you walk for 10 minutes. Momentum will now deposit you into some kind of activity on day 5 and beyond.


Your hang-glider will now be airborne!
